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    Staff Directory

    Dr Martin Hare

    PhD, PgD, BSc (Hons), FHEA

    Principal Lecturer, Director of Postgraduate Research and Associate Head of Department

    Photograph of Martin



    Academic Department: Agriculture and Environment

    Department: Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor

    Tel: +44 (0)1952 815252

    Fax: +44 (0)1952 814783

    Office: JA G10 Jubilee Adams, Tudor Lodge and NW Building

    Research profile:


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    Additional Information

    The Director of Postgraduate Research is responsible for the quality of the university’s research degrees (PhD/MPhil) and is the Chair of the Research Degrees Committee. The Director of Postgraduate Research also has responsibility through the post of Postgraduate Research Programmes Manager for the admissions process for postgraduate research students (PGR students) including Student Visa compliance and the authorisation of PGR student accounts. The Director of Postgraduate Research allocates and manages office space for PGR students, manages the monitoring of PGR students by their supervisors and supports colleagues in their roles as PGR student supervisors. The Director of Postgraduate Research manages the university’s involvement with the Midlands Integrative Biosciences Training Partnership (MIBTP) and acts as an MIBTP Director. The Director of Postgraduate Research works closely with the Research Student Advisor to facilitate operations in the Postgraduate Research Office, the PGR Student Representative on student support and the overall PGR student experience, the Personal Development Planning Advisor to coordinate and develop the PGR students’ Doctoral/Personal Development Programme, the Chair of the Research Degrees Awarding Board to support the activities of the Board and the Director of Research with respect to PGR students and the university’s research strategy.


    You can contact Dr Martin Hare if you would like to discuss any of the following course modules:

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