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    Dr Emma Bleach

    Senior Lecturer

    Photograph of Emma

    Emma is a Senior Lecturer in Animal Science in the Agriculture and Environment Department. She is from a dairy farming background and is interested in all things dairy! 

    She graduated from The University of Reading with a PhD in Reproductive Physiology and Endocrinology in 2000. Her thesis is titled 'Ovarian follicle dynamics in dairy cows: associations with pregnancy rate, hormone profiles and diet'. Her research developed and utilised transrectal ultrasonography to monitor ovarian follicular and luteal development in dairy cows, a technique which is now commonplace in the vets toolkit but wasnt back then! Alongside ultrasonography, she developed and used a range of radio- and enzyme- immunoassays to monitor changes in reproductive hormones associated with follicular and luteal development, including oestradiol, progesterone, follicle stimulating hormone, luteinising hormone and inhibin.  She has maintained this interest in regulation of reproduction in dairy cows to optimise the efficiency and sustainability of dairy production systems, most recently supervising a PhD student investigating factors that influence oestrus expression in dairy cows, which utilised precision livestock sensor technologies and reproductive hormone profiles to monitor the strength of oestrus behaviour in lactating dairy cows.

    Emma's expertise as a reproductive physiologist and endocrinologist combines with her practical management of reproduction in dairy cows, to bring to life her teaching on Farm Animal Production Science and Sustainable Livestock Production.

    Emma's other main research focus is on rearing systems for the dairy-bred calf. These studies are varied but have the underpinning aim of optimising the growth, health and well-being of calves and heifers, to support sustainable dairy production. Her research includes investigations of milk feeding options for dairy-bred calves, concentrate feeding systems and other additional feeds, with a particular interest in easing the weaning transition for the calf. Other research has explored calf management options such as use of calf jackets and the use of precision livestock sensor technologies to monitor the health and well-being of calves. This research supports her post-graduate teaching on Ration Formulation and Feeding Systems and Recent Advances in Ruminant Nutrition and also on Ruminant Feeds and Nutrient Supply and Developments in Feeds and Feeding for our University Diploma in Ruminant Nutrition. 

    Besides the quantitative reseach studies, Emma has also used qualitiative research methods to investigate youngstock management practices and service provision in the animal health sector. 

    Undergraduate teaching

    BSc Agriculture & Routes, BSc Animal Production Science

    • Animal Production (LM) (A4012C17)
    • Farm Animal Production Science (A5001C17) module leader
    • Sustainable Livestock Production (A5006C17)

    Post-Graduate course management

    Post-graduate teaching

    PgC / PgD/ MSc Ruminant Nutrition 

    • Ruminant Animal Production & the Feed Industry (A7081) Module leader
    • Recent Advances in Ruminant Nutrition - Calf and heifer nutrition (A7079)
    • Ration Formulation and Feeding Systems (A7080)

    PgC / PgD / MSc Agricultural Systems and Production Systems

    • Principles and Practice of Livestock Husbandry (A7071)

    University Diploma in Ruminant Nutrition

    • Ruminant Feeds and Nutrient Supply (A5095) 
    • Developments in Feeds and Feeding (A5094)

    PhD supervisions

    Current supervisions

    • The behavioural, physiological and production effects of dairy cow-calf rearing systems
    • Evaluation of the gastrointestinal tract faecal microbiome in dairy calves as an indicator of welfare
    • Equine anthelmintic resistance: a qualitative investigation into attitudes, beliefs and practices on the use of equine anthelmintics in the United Kingdom

    Previous supervisions

    • A qualitative social science investigation of UK dairy calf health and welfare (Laura Palczynski, 2021)
    • Investigations of factors that influence oestrous expression in dairy cattle (Hawar Zebari, 2019)
    • Service provision in the animal health sector (Alison Pyatt, 2017)
    • Factors that influence dairy cow preference to be indoors or at pasture (Priya Motupali, 2014)
    • Assessing the impact of lameness on gait and behaviour of dairy cattle: Development of an automated lameness detection system (Nicola Blackie, 2009)

    MRes supervision

    Current supervisions

    • An investigation of factors influencing the vigour of neonatal Wagyu calves
    • An investigation of the effects of Johnes Disease on the behaviour and performance of dairy cows on UK farms

    Previous supervisions

    • To investigate the effect of concentration of equine sperm quality following cryopreserving and to investigate the effect of re-freezing (Bethany Morse-Wolfe, 2021)

    Research areas

    • Youngstock rearing practices including dairy calves and heifers, dairy-bred beef calves 
      • Current projects
        • Cow-calf rearing
        • TMRs for dairy calves
        • Whole milk for dairy-bred beef calves
        • Transition milk for dairy bred calves
    • Reproductive processes particularly in dairy cows. Current research is looking at 
      • Current projects
        • Using hormones in dairy cow reproductive management
        • factors affecting oestrus expression in dairy cows
        • Factors influencing dairy cow productivity
        • Using Cow Signals to monitor the wellbeing of cattle

    Research Profiles

    Professional Memberships

    • British Society ofAnimal Science (BSAS)
    • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)

    Academic Department: Agriculture and Environment

    Research: Beef and Sheep Research Group

    Research: Dairy, Heifer and Calf Research Group

    Tel: +44 (0)1952 81 5079

    Office: AC10 Aspire Centre

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    Research profile:


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    Other publications

    • Palczynski, L.J., Bleach, E.C.L., Brennan, M.L. and Robinson, P.A. (2022) Youngstock Management as “The Key for Everything”? Perceived Value of Calves and the Role of Calf Performance Monitoring and Advice on Dairy Farms Frontiers in Animal Science 3
    • Charlton, G., Gauld, C., Veronesi, F., Rutter, S.M. and Bleach, E. (2022) Assessing the accuracy of leg mounted sensors for recording dairy cow behavioural activity at pasture, in cubicle housing and a straw yard Animals 12
    • Pyatt, Alison Z; Wright, Gillian H; Walley, Keith; Bleach, Emma CL (2021) Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science 4
    • Palczynski, L.J., Bleach, E.C., Brennan, M.L. and Robinson, P.A. (2021) Stakeholder perceptions of disease management for dairy calves:“it’s just little things that make such a big difference” Animals 11
    • Bolton, O., Charlton, G. and Bleach, E. (2021) A preliminary evaluation of British farmers’ perception of dairy cow-calf rearing Animal-science proceedings 12
    • Pyatt, A.Z., Walley, K., Wright, G.H. and Bleach, E.C. (2020) Co-produced care in veterinary services: a qualitative study of UK stakeholders’ perspectives Veterinary Sciences 7
    • Palczynski, L.J., Bleach, E.C.L., Brennan, M.L. and Robinson, P.A (2020) Animals 10
    • Palczynski, L.J., Bleach, E.C.L., Brennan, M.L. and Robinson, P.A. (2020) Animal Welfare 29
    • 3. Atkins, N.E., Bleach, E.C.L., Mackenzie, A.M., Hargreaves, P.R. and Sinclair, L.A. (2020) Livestock Science 231
    • Charlton, G.L., Bleach, E.C.L. and Rutter, S.M. (2019) Journal of Dairy Science 102
    • Zebari, H.M., Rutter, S.M. and Bleach, E.C.L. (2019) Animal Reproduction Science 202
    • Atkins, N.A., Bleach. E.C.L., Hargreaves, P.R. and Sinclair, L.A (2018) Grass and Forage Science 73
    • Zebari, H.M., Rutter, S.M. and Bleach, E.C.L. (2018) Applied Animal Behaviour Science 206
    • Pyatt, A.Z., Wright, G.H., Walley, K.E., Bleach, E.C.L., (2017) Value co-creation in high involvement services: the animal healthcare sector International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 45 (doi: 10.1108/IJRDM-11-2016-0209)
    • Pyatt, A., Wright, G. Bleach, E. and Walley, K. (2014) Looking to the future - Equipping the graduate for modern-day practice
    • Blackie, N., Bleach, E., Amory, J. and Scaife, J. (2013) The effect of locomotion score and foot lesions on kinematic measures of gait in dairy cattle. Journal of Dairy Science 96 (3564-3572)
    • Satchell, L. Glister, C., Dai, Y., Bleach, E.C., Anand-Ivell, R. and Knight, P.G. (2013) Ovarian expression of insulin-like peptide 3 (INSL3) and its receptor (RXFP2) during development of bovine antral follicles and corpora lutea and measurement of circulating INSL3 levels during synchronized estrous cycles. Endocrinology 154
    • Blackie, N., Amory, J., Bleach, E. and Scaife, J. (2011) The effect of lameness on lying behaviour of zero grazed Holstein dairy cattle Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 134
    • Blackie, N., Bleach, E., J. Amory, and J. Scaife. (2011) Impact of lameness on gait characteristics and lying behaviour of zero grazed dairy cattle in early lactation. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 129
    • Blackie, N., Scaife, J.R. and Bleach, E.C.L. (2006) Lying behaviour and activity of early lactation Holstein dairy cattle measured using an activity monitor Cattle Practice 14 (139-142)
    • Bleach, E.C.L., Gould, M. Blackie, N. and Beever, D.E. (2005) Growth performance of Holstein-Friesian heifer calves reared using three milk replacer feeding regimes Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition
    • Bleach, ECL, Glencross, RG and Knight, PG (2004) Association between ovarian follicle development and pregnancy rates in dairy cows undergoing spontaneous oestrous cycles Reproduction 127
    Additional Information

    Cow Signals Certified Master Trainer


    You can contact Dr Emma Bleach if you would like to discuss any of the following course modules:



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