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    Staff Directory

    Dr Daniel May

    BSc; MA; MSc; PhD; DPhil

    Senior Lecturer in Applied Farm and Rural Economics

    Photograph of Daniel

    Teaching Duties

    Leading the module entitled Economic Policy and Rural Development.

    Contribute to modules related to economics, international trade and farmers' strategic behaviour

    Research Interests

    International Trade; Agricultural Trade Liberalisation; International Trade Networks; International Trade and the Environment; Farmers' Economic and Strategic Behaviour; Historic Rural Landscapes.


    AHDB. (currently). Project 2020-464. Quantiative modelling for post EU Exit trade deals (UK agricultural industry). Principal investigator. 

    QR project (currently). Incorporation of LCA and IAFTN models. Principal investigator.

    AHDB. (2020). Farm Business Programme - a high level evidence scoping review. Colaborator.

    Department of Economics Exeter University. (2012). Agricultural Trade Liberalisation. Pricipal Investigator.

    DEFRA. (2011). FFG 1008: “Assessing the environmental impact of liberalising agricultural trade – with special reference to EU Mercosur”.

    DEFRA (2011). FO0415: “Energy dependency and food security”. Contribution: estimation of demand elasticities for selected agricultural goods using an Almost Ideal Demand. 

    Professional Memberships

    • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy


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    Other publications

    • May, D.E. (2024) Mixed Methods in Landscape Archaeology: An Application to Explore Identity Formation in the Romano-British Period, Shropshire Region Journal of Mixed Methods Research
    • May, D. and Tremma, O. (2023) Effects of Sustainable Regulations at Agricultural International Market Failures: A Dynamic Approach Sustainability 15(3): 2419
    • May, D.E., Arancibia, S., Wang, C., Hill, N., and Behrendt, K. (2023) Understanding young Chinese consumers' preferences for foreign clothing brands: a behavioural approach Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics 35(12): 3032-3051
    • May, D.E. (2023) The development of Landscape Archaeology in Britain, present conflicts and possible new directions. Landscape History 44(2): 109-118.
    • May, D., Arancibia, S. and Manning, L. (2021) Understanding UK farmers’ Brexit voting decision: A behavioural approach Journal of Rural Studies 81: 281-293
    • May, D.E., Arancibia, S., Behrendt, K., and Adams, J. (2019) Preventing young farmers from leaving the farm: investigating the effectiveness of the young farmer payment using a behavioural approach Land Use Policy 82: 317-327.
    • May, D.E. (2017) Understanding Farmers’ Incentives to Innovate in Different Business Environments International Journal of Food and Agricultural Economics 5(3): 35-46
    • Arancibia, S., May, D.E., and Moya, G. (2016) Exploring the Relationship between Collaboration and Farmers’ Satisfaction at Work IDESIA 34(6): 7-16
    • May, D.E. (2016) International Trade Networks under Global Treaty Stability Bulletin of Economic Research 68(S1): 171-181
    • May, D.E. (2015) Inefficient Stable International Trade Networks Studies in Microeconomics 3(1): 12-34
    • May, D.E (2015) Export Instability when International Agricultural Markets Operate Under Oligopoly International Journal of Trade and Global Markets 8(2): 142-151.
    • May, D.E. (2015) Behavioural Drivers of Business Competitiveness in Agriculture Agricultural Economic Review (in press)
    • Rodríguez, J., Werther, K., and D.E. May (2014) Analysing the Incidence of Labour Cost on Organic Production: Implications on Competitiveness Quarterly Journal of Business Studies 1(4): 141-148.
    • May, D.E. (2013) Explaining Family Farm Run Businesses’ Capacity to Develop Dynamic Capabilities International Journal of Sustainable Economies Management 2(1): 12-25
    • May, D.E., Tate, G.J., and L. Worrall. (2012) Economic vs. non-economic determinants of diversification and specialisation in agriculture International Journal of Applied Behavioural Economics 1(1): 12-28.
    • May, D.E. (2012) Addressing Biodiversity Loss when International Markets of Agricultural Commodities are Oligopolistic Economics and Business Letter 1(1): 53-57.
    • May, D.E. (2012) How Distrust Affects the Formation of Collaborative Alliances in Agriculture? Journal of International Business and Economic Affairs 3(1): 53-63.
    • May, D.E. (2012) Non-Economic Drivers Influencing Farmers’ Incentives to Cooperate: Do they Remain Robust Through Policy Changes? Journal of Rural Cooperation 40(2):
    • May, D.E. (2011) Agricultural trade liberalization under bilateralism: an international network perspective Portuguese Economic Journal 10(1): 23-34.
    • May, D.E. (2011) Incentives of Small Countries to Participate in a Global Free Trade Agreement in Agriculture: a Theoretical Analysis Revista Economía Agraria 15: 27-33.
    • May, D.E., Tate, G.J., and L. Worrall. (2011) Understanding innovation in a dynamic agricultural business environment: a multivariate approach International Journal of Agricultural Management 1(1): 7-15.
    • May, D.E., Collins, A.R., and Hollins, P.D. (2011) Identifying determinants of residential property values in South London Review of Economic Perspectives 11(1): 3-11.
    • May, D.E., and G.J. Tate. (2011) Exploring economic and social-psychological factors in explaining farmers’ willingness to participate in cooperative alliances International Journal of Strategic Business Alliances 2(4): 329-346.
    • May, D.E. (2011) Collaborative alliances in agriculture under distrust Journal of Business and Economics 2(2): 219-227.
    • May, D.E, and G. Tate, and L. Worrall. (2011) Understanding the formation of networks by small agricultural firms International Journal of Economic Behaviour 1(1): 3-14.
    • May, D.E., and L. Worrall. (2010) Are Domestic Support and Political Bias Really Harmful to the Agricultural Trade System? New Perspectives from the International Social Network Literature International Journal of Economic Research 7(2): 237-243.
    • May, D.E. (2010) Collaborative Alliances in Agriculture under Distrust Journal of Business & Economics 2(2): 219-227.
    • May, D.E. (2009) An international network analysis of the environment Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics 16(3): 271-284.
    • May, D.E., and G.J. Tate. (2009) The bias danger of incorporating business risk into biophysical-economic models: a critical review of the existing economic approaches Aspects of Applied Biology 93: 99-105.
    • May, D.E. (2008) Is bilateralism consistent with Global Free Trade? International Journal of Business and Economics 7(2): 137-152.
    Additional Information
    • Editor-in-Chief of the Scientific Journal of Agricultural Economics: http://www.eco-ena.ca/SJAE.html
    • Associated Editor of the International Journal of Applied Behavioral Economics:  


    • May, D.E. 2023. Identifying past economic organisation through the rural landscape. The 9th Annual Conference of Economic Forum of Entrepreneurship & International Business. ECO-ENA, Oxford University, UK.
    • May, D.E. and McCorriston, S. 2022. Predictions for the UK-Australia trade agreement: an approach with market power. 96th Annual Conference of The Agricultural Economics Society, KU Leuven, Belgium.
    • May, D. and McCorriston, S. 2021. The impact of intermediaries on agricultural trade liberalisation. XVI EAAE Congress. Prague, Czech Republic (accepted).
    • May, D.E. 2020. Assessing non-economic determinants of farmers' willigness to produce healthy and safe food products. 8th Annual Conference of Economic Forum of Entrepreneurship & International Business. ECO-ENA, Oxford University, UK.
    • May, D. and McCorriston, S. 2018. The role of Centrality in Preventing Free Trade of Processed Agricultural Goods under Imperfect Competition. 30th International Conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economists. Vancouver, Canada.
    • May, D.E. 2018. Undertanding the effects of the young payment on young farmers' intention to exit the farm. 4th Annual Conference of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness. ECO-ENA, University of Cambridge, UK.
    • May, D.E. 2017. A theory of crop allocations. 3rd Annual Conference of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, ECO-ENA. Oxford, UK.
    • May, D.E. 2016. Assessing the Robustness of Drivers Influencing Farmers´ Incentives to Innovate through Different Business Environments. 26th Annual IFAMA World Conference. Aarhus, Denmark.
    • May, D.E. 2016. A Contribution to Network Analysis. Second European Conference on Social Networks. Paris, France.
    • May, D.E., and McCorriston, S. 2015. Global Agreements in Agriculture: A Network Approach with Market Intermediaries. 29th International Conference of Agricultural Economics. Milan, Italy.
    • May, D.E. 2014. "A Theory of Global Agreements in Agriculture". IAMO Forum 2014. Halle (Saale), Germany.
    • May, D.E. 2014. "International Trade Agreements in Agriculture: An International Network Approach". First Annual Conference of Agricultural Economics & Agribusiness, ECO-ENA. University of London, England.
    • May, D.E. 2014. "Business Competitiveness in Agriculture: a Behavioural Approach". Rural Entrepreneurship Conference. ÁÕÀÅÊÓƵ, England.
    • May, D.E. 2013. "An International Trade Network Analysis of Global Agreements in Agriculture". International Workshop on Networks and Trade. Leuven Centre for Irish Studies, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium.
    • May, D.E. 2013. "Behavioural Drivers of Business Competitiveness". International Conference on Competitiveness Evaluation and Conceptual Aspects (ICCECA). Lima, Peru.
    • May, D.E. 2013. "Export Instability when International Agricultural Markets Operate Under Oligopoly". 18th International Farm Management Congress. Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland.
    • May, D.E., and Paratori, S. 2013. "A Review on Farmers' Behaviour Modelling". Third Annual Conference of Economics Forum of Entrepreneurship & International Business. Oxford University, England.
    • May, D.E. 2013. "Does the representative farmer really exist?". 87th Annual Conference of the Agricultural Economics Society. Warwick University. England.
    • May, D.E., and Paratori, S. 2012. Understanding farmers' willingness to produce healthy and safe products". Third International Conference on Safety, Health and Welfare in Agriculture and Agrofood Systems, Ragusa SHWA 2012. Ibla Campus, Ragusa, Sicily, Italy.
    • May, D.E. 2012. “Do non-economic drivers explaining farmers’ incentives to cooperate remain robust through policy and market changes?”. Second eRNAC (Electronic Research Network for Agricultural Cooperatives) conference on Cooperative values in internationalized operations. Helsinki, Finland.
    • May, D.E. 2012. "Can small family run firms develop dynamic capabilities?". The 11th World Congress of the International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management. Kemmy Business School, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland.
    • May, D.E. 2012. "Agricultural Trade Liberalisation". Economics Annual Conference, Business School, University of Exeter. England.
    • May, D.E. 2012. "Studying the Stability of Global Free Trade in Agriculture". 25th University of Wolverhampton Business School Research Conference. Wolverhampton, UK.
    • May, D.E. 2011. “Bilateralism in Agriculture when Countries use Distorting Domestic Policies”. XIIIth Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists. Zurich, Switzerland.
    • May, D.E. 2011. “Negative effects of unilateral environmental policies on local biodiversity when international markets are oligopolistic”. 6th Annual Green Economics Institute Conference. University of Oxford, England.
    • May, D.E. 2011. “Understanding innovation in dynamic agricultural business environments: a multivariate approach”. 18th International Farm Management Congress. Christchurch, New Zealand.
    • May, D.E. 2011. “Effects of distrust on the formation of collaborative alliances in agriculture: a social network approach”. Annual Conference of Economic Forum of Entrepreneurship and International Business. Cairo, Egypt.
    • May, D.E., Tate, G.J., and L. Worrall. 2011. “Effect of policy reforms on farmers’ incentives to specialise”. Annual Conference of Economic Forum of Entrepreneurship and International Business. Cairo, Egypt.
    • May, D.E. 2011. “Origins of social repression in small institutionalized groups: the case of the intellectual forum”. Euro American Conference in Academic Disciplines, Austria.
    • May, D.E. 2010. “Agricultural trade liberalisation under bilateralism: an International Network perspective”. 4th Meeting of the Portuguese Economic Journal, Faro, Portugal.
    • May, D.E., Tate, G.J., and L. Worrall. 2010. “Explaining the formation of network innovations by small agricultural firms: the case of the case of the ex-sugar beet farmers of the UK”. The International Conference on Economics and Administration, Faculty of Administration and Business, University of Bucharest, Rumania.
    • May, D.E. 2009. “The effects of environmental considerations on the International Trade System”. The 2009 APJAE Symposium on Trade, Environment and Resources, City University of Hong Kong, School of Business, Hong Kong.
    • May, D.E., and G.J. Tate. 2009. “The bias danger of incorporating business risk into biophysical-economic models: a critical review of the existing economic approaches”, The 2009 Applied Biologists Association Conference in Integrated Agricultural Systems, SAC, Edinburg, Scotland.


    • May, D.E. 2002. Microeconomics and their Application to the Perishable Agricultural Products. Central University of Chile.



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