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    Staff Directory

    Dr Vasil Pirgozliev

    PhD, BSc & MSc


    Photograph of Vasil

    Teaching Duties

    • Sustainable Animal Production Systems
    • Farm Animal Nutrition

    Research Interests

    • Poultry Nutrition
    • Sustainable Poultry Production
    • Mode of Action of Feed Additives
    • Energy Metabolism
    • Animal Health

    Professional Memberships

    • World’s Poultry Science Association (Member of the organizing committee, UK branch)

    Academic Department: Agriculture and Environment

    Research: Pig, Poultry and Aquatic Animals Group

    Tel: +44 (0)1952 81 5408

    Office: G.19 Jubilee Adams, Tudor Lodge and NW Building

    Research profile:


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    Other publications

    • A.O. Oso, G.A. Williams, O.O. Oluwatosin, A.M. Bamgbose, A.O. Adebayo, O. Olowofeso, V. Pirgozliev, A.A. Adegbenjo, S.O. Osho, J.O. Alabi, F. Li, H. Liu, K. Yao, W. Xin (2017) Growth performance, nutrient digestibility, metabolizable energy, and intestinal morphology of growing turkeys fed diet supplemented with arginine Livestock Science 198: 24–30
    • A.O. Oso, G.A. Williams, O.O. Oluwatosin, A.M. Bamgbose, A.O. Adebayo, O. Olowofeso, V. Pirgozliev, A.A. Adegbenjo, S.O. Osho, J.O. Alabi, F. Li, H. Liu, K. Yao, W. Xin (2017) Effect of dietary supplementation with arginine on haematological indices, serum chemistry, carcass yield, gut microflora, and lymphoid organs of growing turkeys Livestock Science 198: 58–64
    • V. Pirgozliev, M.R. Bedford, S.P. Rose, I.M. Whiting, O.O. Oluwatosin, A.O. Oso, F.O. Oke, S.G. Ivanova, G.P. Staykova (2017) Phosphorus utilisation and growth performance of broiler chicken fed diets containing graded levels of supplementary myo-inositol with and without exogenous phytase Journal of World Poultry Research 7 (1): 1 - 7
    • A.O. Oso, L. Li, B. Zhang, H. Liu, F. Li, S.O. Osho, W.A. Olayemi, V. Pirgozliev, O.O. Oluwatosin (2017) The effect of using solid state fermented peeled and unpeeled cassava root tubers and limiting amino acid supplementation on metabolizable energy for meat-type cockerels Tropical Agriculture (Trinidad) 94 (3): 235 – 243
    • I.M. Whiting, V. Pirgozliev, S.P. Rose, J. Wilson, A. M. Amerah, S.G. Ivanova, G.P. Staykova, O.O. Oluwatosin & A.O. Oso (2017) Nutrient availability of different batches of wheat distillers dried grains with solubles with and without exogenous enzymes for broiler chickens Poultry Science 96: 574–580
    • J. Abdulla, S.P. Rose, A.M. Mackenzie, V. Pirgozliev (2017) Feeding value of field beans (Vicia faba L. var. minor) with and without enzyme containing tannase, pectinase and xylanase activities for broilers Archives of Animal Nutrition 71: 150 - 164
    • Abdulla, J., Rose, S.P. and Mackenzie, A.M., Mirza, M.W. and Pirgozliev, V. (2016) Exogenous tannase improves feeding value of diet containing field beans (Vicia faba) when fed to broilers British Poultry Science 57: 246–250
    • V. Pirgozliev, M.W. Mirza and S.P. Rose (2016) Does the effect of pelleting depend on the wheat sample when fed to chickens? Animal doi:10.1017/S1751731115002311
    • S.A. Salami, O.O. Oluwatosin, A.O. Oso, A.O. Fafiolu, O.M. Sogunle, A.V. Jegede, F.A. Bello & V. Pirgozliev (2016) Bioavailability of Cu, Zn and Mn from Mineral Chelates or Blends of Inorganic Salts in Growing Turkeys Fed with Supplemental Riboflavin and/or Pyridoxine Biological Trace Element Research DOI 10.1007/s12011-016-0618-2
    • J.M. Abdulla, S.P. Rose, A.M. Mackenzie, S.G. Ivanova, G.P. Staykova & V. Pirgozliev (2016) Nutritional value of raw and micronised field beans (Vicia faba L. var. minor) with and without enzyme supplementation containing tannase for growing chickens Archives of Animal Nutrition 70 (5) 350-363
    • M.W. Mirza, V. Pirgozliev, S.P. Rose & N. Sparks (2016) Dietary modelling of nutrient densities: effect and response in different rowing phases, growing performance, nutrient digestibility, litter quality, and leg health in turkey production Journal of World Poultry Research 6 (3): 161-190
    • Ball, M.E.E., Sloss, J., Catlett, A., Garcia, R., Pirgozliev, V. and Massey-O’Neil, H. (2016) Development of an accurate means to predict the nutritive value of wheat for broilers and an investigation of novel wheat factors on broiler performance HGCA N# 563
    • A.O. Oso, L. Li, B. Zhang, R. Uo, J.X. Fan, S. Wang, G. Jiang, H. Liu, T. Rahoo, M.C. Tossou, V. Pirgozliev, O.O. Oduguwa, A.M. Bamgbose (2015) Effect of fungal fermentation with Aspergillus niger and enzyme supplementation on metabolizable energy values of unpeeled cassava root meal for meat-type cockerels Animal Feed Science and Technology 210: 281–286
    • V. Pirgozliev, D. Bravo, M.W. Mirza & S.P. Rose (2015) Growth performance and endogenous losses of broilers fed wheat based diets with and without essential oils and xylanase supplementation Poultry Science http://dx.doi.org/10.3382/ps/peu017
    • V. Pirgozliev, A. Beccaccia, S.P. Rose & D. Bravo (2015) Partitioning of dietary energy of chickens fed maize- or wheat-based diets with and without a commercial blend of phytogenic feed additives Journal of Animal Science doi:10.2527/jas2014-8175
    • V. Pirgozliev, F. Karadas, S.P. Rose, A. Beccaccia, M.W. Mirza & A.M. Amerah (2015) Dietary xylanase increases hepatic vitamin E concentration of chickens fed wheat based diet Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences 24
    • V. Pirgozliev,S.P. Rose,T. Pellny, A.M. Amerah, M. Wickramasinghe, M. Ulker, M. Rakszegi, Z. Bedo, P.R. Shewry & A. Lovegrove (2015) Energy utilization and growth performance of chickens fed novel wheat inbred lines selected for different pentosan levels with and without xylanase supplementation Poultry Science http://dx.doi.org/10.3382/ps/peu059
    • V. Pirgozliev, I. Whiting, J. Wilson, S.P. Rose, M.W. Mirza, S. Ivanova, D. Kanev (2015) Nutrient availability of wheat distillers dried grains with solubles (ddgs) for broilers Zivotnovudni Nauki 52: 17 - 24
    • Bravo, D., Pirgozliev, V. & Rose, S.P. (2014) A mixture of carvacrol, cinnamaldehyde and capsicum oleoresin improves energy utilization and growth performance of broiler chickens fed maize based diet Journal of Animal Science 92: 1-6 (doi:10.2527/jas2013-6244)
    • F. Karadas, V. Pirgozliev, S.P. Rose, D. Dimitrov, O. Oduguwa & D. Bravo (2014) Dietary essential oils improve the hepatic anti-oxidative status of broiler chickens British Poultry Science Vol. 55, No. 3, 329–334 (http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00071668.2014.891098)
    • V. Pirgozliev, D. Bravo, & S.P. Rose (2014) Rearing conditions influence nutrient availability of plant extracts supplemented diets when fed to broiler chickens Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition Vol 98 (4) 667 - 671 (DOI: 10.1111/jpn.12119)
    • Pirgozliev, V. & Bedford, M. R. (2013) Energy utilisation and growth performance of chicken fed diets containing graded levels of supplementary bacterial phytase British Journal of Nutrition 109: 248–253
    • V. Pirgozliev, C. Jesson, J. Brooker & S.P. Rose (2012) The nutrient availability of processed Jatropha curcas kernel meal for broiler chickens Archiv fur Geflugelkunde 76 (4): 230-233
    • V. Pirgozliev, M. R. Bedford, O. Oduguwa, T. Acamovic & M. Allimehr (2012) The effect of supplementary bacterial phytase on dietary metabolisable energy, nutrient retention and endogenous losses in precision fed broiler chickens Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition 96: 52-57
    • Priyankarage, N., Rose, S.P., Silva, S.S.P & Pirgozliev, V.R. (2011) Energy, energy requirements and different energy systems in poultry The Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal 58: 1-12
    • Pirgozliev, V., Bedford, M.R., Ivanova-Peneva, S. & Kanev, D. (2011) The effect of microbial phytase on dietary metabolisable energy, phytate phosphorus digestibility and egg production in laying hens Zivotnovudni Nauki 48: 18-23
    • V. Pirgozliev, T. Acamovic & M. R. Bedford (2011) The effect of previous exposure to dietary microbial phytase on the endogenous excretions of energy, nitrogen and minerals from turkeys British Poultry Science 52: 66-71
    • V. Pirgozliev, M. R. Bedford, T. Acamovic & M. Allimehr (2011) The effects of supplementary bacterial phytase on dietary true metabiolisable energy, nutrient digestibility and endogenous losses in precision fed turkeys British Poultry Science 52: 214-220
    • V. Pirgozliev, M. R. Bedford, T. Acamovic, P. Mares & M. Allimehr (2011) The effects of supplementary bacterial phytase on dietary energy and total tract amino acid digestibility when fed to young chickens British Poultry Science 52: 245-254
    • V. Pirgozliev, M. R. Bedford & T. Acamovic (2010) The effect of dietary xylanase on energy, amino acid and mineral metabolism and egg production and quality in laying hens British Poultry Science 51: 639-647
    • V. Pirgozliev, Karadas, F., Pappas, A., Acamovic, T. & Bedford, M.R. (2010) The effect on performance, energy metabolism and hepatic carotenoid content when phytase supplemented diets were fed to broiler chickens Research in Veterinary Science 89: 202-205
    • Karadas, F., Pirgozliev, V., Pappas, A., Acamovic, T. & Bedford, M.R. (2010) Effects of different levels of dietary phytase activities on the concentration of antioxidants in the liver of growing broilers Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 94 (4): 519-526
    • V. Pirgozliev, Rose, P. & Bedford, M.R. (2010) The effect of amylose:amylopectin ratio in dietary starch on growth performances and gut morphology in broiler chickens Archiv fur Geflugelkunde 74 (1): 21-29
    • V. Pirgozliev, T. Acamovic & M. R. Bedford (2009) Previous exposure to dietary phytase reduces the endogenous energy losses from precision-fed chickens British Poultry Science 50: 598-605
    • V. Pirgozliev, T. Acamovic, M. R. Bedford & S. Chobanova (2009) Effects of bacterial phytase on the performance and dietary phytate phosphorus digestibility when fed to young poultry Zhivotnovadni Nauki 46: 51-54
    • Priyankarage, N., Rose, S.P., Silva, S.S.P & Pirgozliev, V.R. (2008) The efficiency of energy retention of broiler chickens and turkeys fed different dietary lysine concentrations British Poultry Science 49: 721-730
    • V. Pirgozliev, O. Oduguwa, T. Acamovic & M. R. Bedford (2008) Effects of dietary phytase on performance and nutrient metabolism in chickens British Poultry Science 49: 144-154
    • V. Pirgozliev, T.C. Murphy, B. Owens, J. George & M.E.E.McCann (2008) Fumaric and sorbic acid as additives in broiler feed Research in Veterinary Science 84: 387-394
    • Dei, H.K., Rose, S.P., MacKenzie, A.M. & Pirgozliev, V. (2008) Metabolisable energy of shea nut (Vitellaria paradoxa) meal for poultry Poultry Science 87: 694-699
    • V. Pirgozliev, O. Oduguwa, T. Acamovic & M. R. Bedford (2007) Effect of diets containing Esherichia coli-derived phytase to young chickens and turkeys: effects on performance, metabolisable energy, endogenous secretions and intestinal morphology Poultry Science 86: 705-713
    • Oduguwa, O., Pirgozliev, V. & Acamovic, T. (2007) Energy metabolizability and digestibility of amino acids by broilers fed malted sorghum sprouts supplemented with polyethylene glycol, charcoal, phytase and xylanase British Poultry Science 48: 55-63.
    • Pirgozliev, V., Rose, S.P. & Kettlewell, P. (2006) Effect of ambient storage of wheat samples on their nutritive value for chickens British Poultry Science 47: 342-349
    • V. Pirgozliev, S.P. Rose & S. Tchobanova (2006) Comparison of different methods for net energy determination in poultry feed: a review Zhivotnovadni Nauki 43: 81-84
    • Pirgozliev, V. & Rose, S.P (2004) Feeding wheat to broiler chickens: a review Zhivotnovadni Nauki 41: 60-67
    • Pirgozliev, V., Birch, C.L., Rose, P., Kettlewell, P. & Bedford, M. (2003) Endosperm hardness and the nutritive quality of different wheat cultivars for broiler chickens British Poultry Science 44: 464-475
    • Pirgozliev, V. (2003) Comparison between true and apparent metabolisable energy in poultry feed: a review Zhivotnovadni Nauki 40: 121-127
    • Pirgozliev, V.R., Rose, S.P. & Graybosch, R.A. (2002) Energy and amino acid availability to chickens of waxy wheat Archiv fur Geflugelkunde 66 (3): 108-113
    • Pirgozliev, V., Rose, S.P., Reppas, A. & Mihajlov, N. (2002) Influence of supplemental fat source on the heat production of chicken broilers fed wheat-based diets Zhivotnovadni Nauki 39: 63-65
    • Pirgozliev, V., Rose, P., Kettlewell, P. & Bedford, M.R. (2001) Efficiency of utilization of metabolizable energy for carcass energy retention in broiler chickens fed different wheat cultivars Canadian Journal of Animal Science 81: 99-106.
    • Rose, S.P., Pirgozliev, V., McCracken, K., McNab, J. & Miller, M. (2001) Specific weight and quality measurements on the nutritional value of four wheat cultivars for broiler chickens Aspects of Applied Biology (Wheat quality) 64: 85-86
    • Smith, A., Rose, S.P., Wells, D. & Pirgozliev, V. (2000) The effect of changing the excreta moisture of caged laying hens on the excreta and microbial contamination of their egg shells British Poultry Science 41: 168-173.
    • Smith, A., Rose, S.P., Wells, D. & Pirgozliev, V. (2000) Effect of excess dietary sodium, potassium, calcium and phosphorus on excreta moisture of laying hens British Poultry Science 41: 598-607
    Additional Information

    Editorial Board of Archives of Animal Nutrition

    Associate Editor of Poultry Science

    Board of Directors of British Poultry Science

    Editorial Board of Agricultural Science and Technology (Bulgaria)



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