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    Professor Karl Behrendt

    BRurSc GradDipAgEcon PhD

    Elizabeth Creak Chair in Agri-Tech Economic Modelling

    Photograph of Karl

    Research Focus

    As the research centre lead of the Global Institute for Agri-Tech Economics my research focuses on the economics of innovative agricultural technology and digitalisation through the application of interdisciplinary systems based approaches to inform decision making at multiple levels. This is being achieved by working with industry, government and other research institutions to provide economic intelligence and agri-tech solutions for UK and global agriculture and value chains. The objectives of my research are to develop approaches that link economics and science to provide greater insights into how agricultural systems work and how they can be manipulated to achieve the objectives of stakeholders and society. This includes the analysis of the impact of innovative technology, climate change and management on economic, environmental and social outcomes.

    Research Interests

    • Economics of adopting innovative technology and digitalisation in farming and value chains
    • Precision Livestock Farming technologies and their application in the value chain
    • Impact of technology on agricultural and environmental systems management and policies
    • Bioeconomic modelling of agricultural and ecological systems
    • Development of predictive and prescriptive decision support systems for agriculture and value chains
    • Agricultural risk and investment analysis
    • Agribusiness planning

    Postgraduate Supervision

    Current supervisions:

    • George Wager (HAU PhD, Elizabeth Creak Fellow: Investigating the capacity of precision livestock farming (PLF) to improve dairy herd profitability through feed intake estimations)
    • Joe Collins (HAU PhD: A systems-level evaluation of conservation agriculture within the UK, Midlands Integrative Biosciences Training Partnership BBSRC Funded)
    • Gustavo Martignone (HAU PhD: An examination of the Asymmetric Price Transmission in Soybean-A case study in the world market)
    • Muhammad Khan (HAU PhD: Managing sustainability compliance of multi-tier food supply chains through intermediaries)
    • Deborah Hall (HAU PhD: Potential valorisation strategies for chicken manure).
    • Philippa Griffiths (HAU PhD: Economic valuation of soil biodiversity and its contribution to ecosystem services)
    • Tom Nash (HAU MRes: Optimization of net zero strategies in UK beef and sheep sectors, Worshipful Company of Butchers supported).
    • Pradeep Rai (CSU PhD: Unravelling Regenerative Farming Realities: Investigating economic, social and environmental outcomes and preferences of Regenerative Farmers in an Australian farming context). 

    Previous supervisions:

    • Dr A.K.M. Al-Amin (2024, Elizabeth Creak Fellow: An economic assessment of autonomous equipment for field crops)
    • Dr P. Theofanous (2023, Price Linkages in major EU Olive Oil Markets)
    • Dr J. Kelly (2020, Impact of weed seeds on carcase quality in sheep meat enterprises)
    • Dr S. Godfrey (2015, Traditional domestic milk value chains and dairy policy environment in Pakistan)

    Professional Memberships


    Academic Department: Food, Land and Agribusiness Management

    Research: Global Institute for Agri-Tech Economics (GIATE)

    Research: Sustainable Agri-Food Systems Group

    Tel: +44 (0) 1952 815 303

    Office: MB67 Main Building

    Research profile:

    Research profile:


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    Additional Information

    Recently completed research projects

    • Pruex (2020-2022) Green, R., Williams, L. Jeffery, S., Butler, M., Behrendt, K. Collaborators: Pruex, Hudson & Sanders Ltd (Applied Group), Ross Robotics. Funded by Innovate UK.
    • AHDB Farm Resilience Review and Action Plan for farmers in England (2022) Huang, I, Hill, N.,Behrendt, K. Funded by AHDB.
    • Bioeconomic modelling of White Clover, Lime, Phosphorous and climate interactions (2021-2022) Behrendt, K. Funded by NSW Department of Primary Industries.
    • AHDB Sustainable Farming Incentive Project (2021-2022) Behrendt, K., Huang, I, Hill, N., Parker, E. Funded by AHDB.
    • Strengthening incentives for improved grassland management in China and Mongolia (2015-2020) Brown, C.; Bennett, J. Kemp, D.; Addison, J.; Behrendt, K.; Waldron, S.; Zhang, J. Collaborators: University of Queensland, Australian National University, Charles Sturt University, CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University; Institute for Grassland Research, Chinese Academy Agricultural Science Ministry of Food and Agriculture of Mongolia, Ministry of Science and Technology, Mongolia University of Life Sciences. Funded by the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR )
    • (2016-2018). Behrendt, K. Collaborators: Meat & Livestock Australia, Graham Centre, International agri benchmark network, private consultants/extension personnel. Funded by Meat & Livestock Australia (D.IIS.1610).
    • (2012-2017). Kemp, D.; Badgery, W.; Behrendt, K.; Michalk, D.; Takahashi, T. Collaborators: China Agricultural University; Gansu Academy of Agricultural Science, Gansu Agricultural University; Gansu Grassland Ecological Research Institute, Lanzhou University; Inner Mongolia Agricultural University; Institute for Grassland Research, Chinese Academy Agricultural Science. Funded by the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR LPS/2008/048)
    • Improving adoption of management strategies for summer perennial weeds through effective engagement processes (2015-2017). Wu, H. (NSW DPI), Herbert, K.; Behrendt, K.; Bowden, P.; Higgins, V. Funded by Meat & Livestock Australia Limited.
    • Climate change adaptation in southern NSW-lower rainfall agriculture: A biophysical and economic assessment of farm performance at three irrigated Murray Valley mixed farm sites, under a projected climate and irrigation allocation scenario, factoring in water market instruments (2017). Behrendt, K. in collaboration with NSW Department of Primary Industries Cashen, M.; Broadfoot, K.; Clark, A.; Graham, P. Funded by Murray LLS.
    • Development of FarmEcon analysis module for economic assessment of mixed farm biophysical simulations (2015-2017). Behrendt, K. in collaboration with NSW Department of Primary Industries Cashen, M.; Broadfoot, K.; Clark, A.; Graham, P. Funded by Murray LLS.
    • (2016-2018). Friend, M.A.; Robertson, S.M.; McGrath, S.R.; Behrendt, K. Collaborators: CSIRO; DEDJT&R (Vic); Nicon Rural Services; NSW Department of Primary Industries; DAFWA (WA). Funded by Meat & Livestock Australia Limited.
    • Determining the value of ground cover to limit serrated tussock invasion (2014-2016). Behrendt, K. in collaboration with Badgery, W.B.; Millar, G.; Simmons, A.; Simpson, M.  Funded by NSW Weeds Action Program.
    • AgriBenchmark: Australian beef and sheep agri benchmark network (2013, 2014 & 2015). Behrendt, K. Funded by Meat & Livestock Australia Limited
    • (2012-2013). Expert contributions by Behrendt, K.; Davies, L. in collaboration with Centro Ricerche Produzioni Animali SpA (PI); agri benchmark. Funded by EU Commission.




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