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My expertise is in entomology, sensory biology and animal husbandry. I spent my PhD researching how the electrostatic charge on bumblebees affects their ecology, their sensory capabilities, their proficiency as pollinators and their relationship with flowering plants. My post-doctoral work questioned whether the electrostatic charge on honeybees could be used to enhance biocontrol of fruiting crops. I also have experience in veterinary parasitology, and expertise working with horses and companion animals.
I am currently researching the use of "Bee Hotels" by solitary bee species, and am additionally interested in the use of companion animals in teaching practice.
I teach Introduction to Animal Biology, Insect Conservation, Readings in Applied Sciences, Academic Skills, Companion Animal Management and Large Animal Management. I am also Course Tutor for the Foundation Year animal degrees.
Academic Department: Animal Health, Behaviour and Welfare
You can contact Dr Clara Montgomery if you would like to discuss any of the following course modules:
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