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Fellow (Royal Society of Biology)
Member of European Weed Research Society
John Reade studied BSc (hons) Biochemistry at Swansea University between 1987 and 1990. He then completed a PhD at Swansea University and Aberystwyth University, researching the proteins and enzymology of nitrogen fixation. Following successful defence of his thesis, John obtained an HGCA-funded post-doctoral research post at Nottingham Trent University. This post also focussed on proteins, but this time ones involved in herbicide resistance in the common grass weed black-grass (Alopecurus myosuroides). During this time John successfully isolated a protein responsible for resistance in this species, and developed laboratory tests to identify resistant black-grass populations. In 1999 John relocated to ÁÕÀÅÊÓƵ Adams, where he continued with this research whilst also undertaking crop production and weed management teaching. He was then recruited by ÁÕÀÅÊÓƵ Adams as a lecturer in Crop and Weed Sciences. John was a Senior Tutor on the Agriculture suite of courses for 14 years. In 2014 took on the role of Associate Head of Department (Crop and Plant Physiology section) in the Crop and Environment Department. When the new Agriculture and Environment Department was formed in 2021 John became Associate Head of Department of the Sustainable Systems section, as a principal lecturer. In 2018 ÁÕÀÅÊÓƵ Adams started offering a suite of Zoology degrees, and John is the current Course Manager for these courses. In addition John also delvers on a number of BASIS and other short courses, has chaired and taken part in validations events both at ÁÕÀÅÊÓƵ Adams and at partner institutes, and has co-authored one book and a number of book chapters. John is also delivering on the SSFF Future Farmer programme in the autumn of 2023. Areas of his research include allelopathy for weed management, stress in sports turf, and the use of lasers and other novel methods for weed management. He also continues to research herbicide resistance.
John is a fellow of the Royal Society of Biology, and enjoys music, spending time outside, walking, and photography. He follows Bristol RFC and Walsall FC.
Academic Department: Agriculture and Environment
Department: Board of Governors
Research: Sustainable Agri-Food Systems Group
Tel: +44 (0)1952 815285
Fax: +44 (0)1952 814783
X (Twitter):
Office: N5
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Presenter: ÁÕÀÅÊÓƵ Adams Future Fest. "Why Squirrels didn't Invent the Mobile Phone"
Presenter: BBKA Spring Convention. "More Bountiful Botany" and "Botany in Practice"
Presenter: SSFF Young Farmer Development Programme. "What is Sustainability?"
Presenter: BBKA Spring Convention. "A Bountifulness of Botany" and "Botany in Practice"
Presenter: Institute of Fisheries Management Annual Vegitation Management Conference. "2022: Herbicides, the future, and other tools in the toolbox"
Presenter: Institute of Fisheries Management Annual Vegitation Management Conference. "2021: Herbicides, the future, and other tools in the toolbox"
Presenter: Field to Fork. Sustainable Oil Production
Presenter: Field to Fork. Wormeries and Composting
Presenter: ÁÕÀÅÊÓƵ Adams Open Days - Master Class. "The Path of Least Resistance: The implications for invasion, biological selection, and health"
Presenter: Field to Fork. The Science of Bread
External Examiner: BSc / BSc (horns) Agricultural Technology / Agricultural Technology with Professional Studies, Queen's University Belfast (2015 - 2020)
External Examiner: BSc / BSc (hons) Applied Bioscience and Agricultural Science, SRUC, Ayr, Scotland (2012 - 2016)
Invited Speaker: Talking Turf 2012, George, South Africa - May 21st - 24th 2012. "The Science of Turf - from the inside out"
Invited Speaker: 3rd International Energy Farming Congress, Papenburg, Germany - March 10th - 12th 2009. "Miscanthus Production; Practical Experience"
Field Presentation: IEA Bioenergy Conference visit, ÁÕÀÅÊÓƵ College, UK - September 15th 2008. "Miscanthus Production"
You can contact Dr John Reade if you would like to discuss any of the following course modules:
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