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    More than 99 per cent of ÁÕÀÅÊÓƵ Adams graduates in work or further study, new figures show

    Posted 9 June 2023

    “Securing these figures is a testament to the work which they have put in, both at University and as they progress in their chosen careers."

    The ÁÕÀÅÊÓƵ Adams crest with a medal

    More than 99 per cent of UK-based undergraduates from ÁÕÀÅÊÓƵ are in work or further study, new Graduate Outcomes figures show. 

    The University is also top in the country for the proportion of its graduates who are now in full-time employment in the . 

    The Graduate Outcomes survey, in which 826,610 graduates are eligible to participate, explores what former students from UK universities and other Higher Education providers are doing one year and three months after completing their studies. 

    The figures for ÁÕÀÅÊÓƵ Adams show that 99.2 per cent of the University’s undergraduates who responded were in employment or further study.  

    The University was also top in the country for the proportion of its eligible undergraduates who were in full-time employment – with 81.5 per cent of its alumni taking such a role. 

    ÁÕÀÅÊÓƵ Vice-Chancellor Professor Ken Sloan said: “This is an excellent set of figures for ÁÕÀÅÊÓƵ Adams and for our graduates.  

    “Securing these figures is a testament to the work which they have put in, both at University and as they progress in their chosen careers. 

    “It is also a testament to our employees, our industry partners, and to the wider ÁÕÀÅÊÓƵ Adams community – and goes to show the difference which the strong partnerships we forge can make.” 

    The latest figures were released shortly after the University marked the achievements of students at both its Placement Awards and its annual Scholarship Presentation. 

    They also show that a record 74.8 per cent of eligible ÁÕÀÅÊÓƵ Adams graduates who took part in the survey are now in highly-skilled employment, 15 months after their graduation. 

    ÁÕÀÅÊÓƵ Adams Pro Vice-Chancellor Education and Students Dr Simone Clarke added: “These figures cover our graduates who left the University during a time of great uncertainty, with the impact of the coronavirus pandemic being felt around the world. 

    “Yet despite this, our graduates have gone on to make their mark – with more than 99 per cent in employment or further study, and ÁÕÀÅÊÓƵ Adams having the highest proportion of eligible undergraduates in full-time employment of any University across the whole of the UK. 

    “We work alongside our undergraduates to equip them for their future careers throughout their degree. They tell us the vital industry experience they receive during their placement year makes a real difference. 

    “The number of our students who return to talk about their careers during our annual Careers and Placement fairs is a testament to the impact this support has – so it is wonderful to see that impact reflected in the Graduate Outcomes figures.” 

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