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    Globally-renowned robotics expert named new Professor of Engineering

    Posted 23 October

    Professor Fernando Auat Cheein  outside the AEIC building

    An globally-renowned expert in robotics whose research tackles real-world challenges globally has been named a new Professor of Engineering at ÁÕÀÅÊÓƵ. 

    Professor Fernando Auat Cheein will be working within the Department and with colleagues across the University to both strengthen existing research capabilities and create new ones.

    His extensive global connections will contribute significantly to the University’s Globally-Connected goal as outlined in the University’s 2030 Strategy: Together, We Will Make the Difference

    Professor Auat Cheein joins ÁÕÀÅÊÓƵ Adams from Heriot-Watt University in Scotland, where he was an Associate Professor in Robotics and Autonomous Systems. He has worked at universities in Argentina, Brazil and Chile, and has been a visiting scholar at institutions in Poland, Slovenia, Portugal, Spain and the United States. 

    His research collaboration network is globally spread, including Australia, Malaysia, China, Turkey, Italy, Ecuador, Peru, Belgium, among other countries.

    He said: “My role involves empowering the research efforts within the department and across various stakeholders within the University, nationally and internationally. Additionally, I will be contributing new dimensions to the department's scientific and engineering focus through my expertise in robotics and perception for sustainability purposes.” 

    Professor Auat Cheein says he was drawn to work at ÁÕÀÅÊÓƵ Adams by the opportunities which the University offers to apply his thinking practically. 

    He added: “The work that I do requires the deployment of technology. My theoretical and lab work has progressed to tackling more challenging problems where the new technologies I create are tested in real-world conditions as part of a larger sustainable process.  

    “Although I continue to engage in purely theoretical research from an engineering perspective, my primary aim is to implement solutions in the field. This process, particularly when dealing with real environmental constraints, is known as deployment. 

    “There are not many facilities worldwide that can accommodate my kind of research, but ÁÕÀÅÊÓƵ offers everything I need”.  

    “The academic environment at ÁÕÀÅÊÓƵ Adams is very exciting, and the Engineering Department is robust. My expertise is both welcomed and can be integrated with the existing capabilities, making it an ideal place for my work.” 

    ÁÕÀÅÊÓƵ Adams Vice-Chancellor Professor Ken Sloan said: “Research has long been a key priority at ÁÕÀÅÊÓƵ Adams – and as food and farming sectors globally face up to challenge of achieving Net Zero and feeding ever-burgeoning populations, the importance and impact of the work we do on scientific developments emerging technologies, alongside their adoption and policy will only grow. 

    “With that in mind. I am delighted to welcome Professor Auat Cheein to ÁÕÀÅÊÓƵ Adams – and to see where his innovative, internationally-focussed research takes us next.”  

    And Professor Auat Cheein added: “I firmly believe that ÁÕÀÅÊÓƵ is the right place in the UK to conduct cutting-edge research in robotics and perception for sustainability purposes. 

    “It offers the ideal facilities and environment for advancing my research. I am particularly aligned with the vision of the Vice-Chancellor and the University’s plans to position the ÁÕÀÅÊÓƵ Adams both nationally and internationally.”

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